GeoServer Feature Collections
This document lists all the collections available in the Features service.
- Title: Tasmania roads, empty
- Description: Emtpy layer to demonstrate bug with CITE tests
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- 145.198, -43.424, 148.273, -40.853.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: tasmania_roads
- Description: This one uses roads and publishes data with a bbox that cannot be reprojected in 3857
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -90, 180, 90.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: tasmania_water_bodies
- Description: Layer with local reprojection issues on BBOX with CITE tests
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- 145.972, -43.032, 147.22, -41.776.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: tasmania_water_bodies
- Description: CRS with a bbox that has troubles catching all features with reprojection
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- 145.972, -43.032, 147.22, -41.776.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: World rectangle
- Description: A simple rectangular polygon covering most of the world, it's only used for the purpose of providing a background (WMS bgcolor could be used instead)
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -90, 180, 90.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Manhattan (NY) points of interest
- Description: Points of interest in New York, New York (on Manhattan). One of the attributes contains the name of a file with a picture of the point of interest.
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -74.012, 40.708, -74.009, 40.712.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Manhattan (NY) landmarks
- Description: Manhattan landmarks, identifies water, lakes, parks, interesting buildilngs
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -74.047, 40.68, -73.908, 40.882.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Manhattan (NY) roads
- Description: Highly simplified road layout of Manhattan in New York..
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -74.027, 40.684, -73.907, 40.878.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: rtadcp_elevation
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -92.573, 26.678, -92.572, 26.678.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: rtadcp_time
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -92.573, 26.678, -92.572, 26.678.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: USA Population
- Description: This is some census data on the states.
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -124.731, 24.956, -66.97, 49.372.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: states
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -124.731, 24.956, -66.97, 49.372.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: states
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -124.731, 24.956, -66.97, 49.372.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Tasmania cities
- Description: Cities in Tasmania (actually, just the capital)
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- 145.198, -43.424, 148.273, -40.853.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Tasmania state boundaries
- Description: Tasmania state boundaries
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- 143.835, -43.648, 148.479, -39.574.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Tasmania water bodies
- Description: Tasmania water bodies
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- 145.972, -43.032, 147.22, -41.776.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Spearfish archeological sites
- Description: Sample data from GRASS, archeological sites location, Spearfish, South Dakota, USA
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -103.873, 44.377, -103.638, 44.488.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Spearfish bug locations
- Description: Sample data from GRASS, bug sites location, Spearfish, South Dakota, USA
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -103.868, 44.374, -103.638, 44.434.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Spearfish restricted areas
- Description: Sample data from GRASS, restricted areas, Spearfish, South Dakota, USA
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -103.851, 44.394, -103.747, 44.482.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Spearfish roads
- Description: Sample data from GRASS, road layout, Spearfish, South Dakota, USA
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -103.877, 44.371, -103.622, 44.5.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Spearfish streams
- Description: Sample data from GRASS, streams, Spearfish, South Dakota, USA
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -103.878, 44.372, -103.623, 44.502.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Label (dark)
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -90, 180, 90.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: URAU_LB_2021_4326_CITIES_L
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -61.076, -21.234, 55.447, 65.132.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Populated place (dark)
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -61.119, -21.303, 55.513, 65.564.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Populated place (light)
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -61.119, -21.303, 55.513, 65.564.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Boundary
- Description: ne_10m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -141.006, -55.121, 140.978, 70.075.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: builtup_area
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -85.06, 180, 85.06.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Coastline
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -85.222, 180, 83.634.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: land_polygons
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -85.06, 180, 85.06.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: ne_10m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -141.006, -55.121, 140.978, 70.075.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: ne_10m_admin_0_countries_points
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -177.194, -79.928, 178.691, 78.838.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces_lines
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -178.137, -49.251, 178.449, 81.129.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: ne_10m_bathymetry
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -85.222, 180, 90.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: NaturalEarth Coastline
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -89.9, 180, 83.665.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: ne_10m_countries
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -178.152, -76.606, 178.684, 79.852.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: Boundary Lines Land
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -141, -54.893, 141.019, 70.092.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: osm_places
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -85.06, 180, 85.06.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: simplified_land_polygons
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -85.051, 180, 83.666.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: osm_waterways
- Geographic extents:
- -180, -78.197, 180, 82.49.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: npa_data
- Geographic extents:
- -1, -1, 0, 0.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: npa_points
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- 120.67, -27.833, 120.73, -27.76.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: npa_points_2
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- 120.67, -27.833, 120.73, -27.76.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: airports
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -11.607, 49.534, 4.539, 61.326.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: boundaries
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -1.842, 50.782, -1.842, 50.782.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: contours
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.577, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: district_buildings
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.579, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: etl
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.696, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: foreshore
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.576, -1.777, 50.74.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: greenspace
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.591, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: land
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.576, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: local_buildings
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.579, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: names
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.146, 50.577, -1.777, 50.824.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: national_parks
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -1.803, 50.8, -1.776, 50.816.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: rail
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.61, -1.777, 50.745.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: railway_stations
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.115, 50.61, -1.785, 50.739.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: roads_local
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.579, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: roads_national
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.711, -1.806, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: roads_regional
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.608, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: sites
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.125, 50.605, -1.776, 50.824.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: surfacewater
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.599, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: urban_areas
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.125, 50.597, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: waterlines
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.576, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview
- Title: woodland
- Storage CRS:
- Geographic extents:
- -2.147, 50.585, -1.776, 50.825.
- Queryables as HTML.
- The layer can also be explored in this map preview